搜索 科雷·比尔维斯

  • 在第二季中,Miles Daly继续在三种差此外生存体式格式中寻觅均衡点:他想当一个真实的、事业有成的影戏制片人,他想当一个对家庭尽责尽责的好汉子,他也想贯穿连接本人的职业罪犯身份。他的同伴、时运不济的影戏制片人Rick被迫充任联邦查询拜访局的告发人并赞同戴上窃听器为其收集情报,Miles在好莱坞所取得的所有停整理都面临威逼。Rick也…
  • London Irish follows the antics of four ex-pat Northern Irish 20 somethings in London. Written by Derry girl, Lisa McGee, someone who knows a thing or two about 'the craic' in world's best city. For these four friends it's not easy navigating their way through London life especially when they're playing by rules only t…