搜索 Franz

  • 已过不惑之年的独身狗Fúsi 是一个机场搬运工 精晓机械却不善言辞 他的生存单调到除了事情就是金属乐,各类模型手办 在家人的鼓舞下他测验测验往了一个舞蹈班并毕竟熟悉了妹子 但含羞怯懦的他最初能走出本人的世界吗
  • 男朋友微劈叉、女兒微起义,事人情臨道德困境,身兼地皮測量員與單親媽媽的露西亞生存充滿壓力。一天眼前出現一位神秘藍袍外國女子,她如影相隨,全世界卻似乎只有露西亞看得見她。原本以為卡到陰,沒想到女子自稱是聖母瑪利亞,現身只為有事相求。請神收留易送神難,何況這神還是本人跑來糾纏!露西亞萬般閃躲,甚至開始懷疑人生,當一切反抗宣…
  • 本片出自德国新浪潮影戏代表人物之一,《铁皮鼓》导演沃尔克·施隆多夫之手,是一部向法国著名导演让·梅尔维尔致敬的经典作品。影片描写第一次世界大战时代,崇高的索菲女伯爵爱上了一位通俗士兵,但动荡的时代,因为这段恋情却给两人带来了可骇的多难害,影片哀痛而痛楚,是导演沃尔克·施隆多夫除《铁皮鼓》之外,最被人认同的大师作品……
  • 万森斯一家(事情狂克里斯蒂安,他的妃耦比莉和两个孩子兰加和蒂莫)和大大都家庭一样过着通俗人的生存。四年后,毕竟迎来休假的一家人决定坐游船旅游加勒比海,尽管弗林船主和他那年久掉修的破船离他们想象的相往甚远。万森斯一家并不知道,期待他们的将是一次令他们毕生难忘的参观……一伙海盗强行并吞了船,万森斯一家不可不乘救生筏在海上漂…
  • eeeFictionalizedstoryaboutthefoundingoftheill-fatedFinnishminingcompanyTalvivaara.
  • 约亨沃尔特是德国银行的一位资深投资银内行,与其助手汤姆·斯莱扎克刚刚实现一笔大单。庆功会上约亨却忽然跳楼自杀。全球局限内有多起银内行自杀的案例的情况下,外界纷繁猜测约亨的自杀启事,甚至有人思疑是他杀。约亨的妃耦对银行辞让义务的说法很不满,称约亨自杀前留下一封遗书,其中有触及约亨真实死亡启事的银行保单。汤姆对其忽然死亡也…
  • DEBUT is about Philip who dreams of becoming a model. At a casting he gets the chance to be photographed with the well-known model Sebastiaan, they fall in love. During the photo shoot, Philip pushes his limits more and more in order to keep the photographer's interest. Philip and Sebastiaan lose control of the situati…
  • A disgraced ex special forces agent turns to a demon that offers him a job as a soul hunter. Chaos ensues when a former associate goes on a killing spree with the soul hunter as his main target.
  • In this Tony Award-winning musical by Stephen Sondheim, several fairy tale characters learn the hard way that the 'Happily Ever After' they sought isn't necessarily so happy after all.
  • 2056 - Company soldier Hannah and scientists Gavin and Dimitri are on board of RUBIKON space station researching an algae project aimed to provide humanity with a permanent supply of oxygen and food. But all of a sudden the earth beneath them disappears in a brown, toxic fog and all contacts are broken - are they the l…