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  • Keanu Reeves的影戏《疾速追杀 John Wick》成为了热点系列(第三部已定于19年上映),而系列导演Chad Stahelski在曩昔给该剧开发衍生剧项目《大陆酒店 The Continental》,看文生义布景就是两片中皆有出现的中立杀手酒店。  现肯定Starz拿下这部剧集,由Chris Collins负责执笔﹑Chad Stahelski执导首集;至于影戏主演Kean…
  • 一位年轻貌美的神秘女孩,走投无路之下,投奔到一座法属印度支那经营的橡胶栽种庄园。她在庄园内担当女仆,并奉养重伤卧床的男地主。开初地主抗拒女孩的赐顾帮衬,然而女孩清纯,勤奋的形象却默默吸引了他,让两人日久生情,明智毕竟难挡情欲诱惑,彼此的肉体毕竟打破身份鸿沟,产生了禁忌性爱关系。可是此举却惹末路到地主的亡妻,让亡妻显灵对…
  • A young girl falls into a river and drowns. When her body is found in a remote village along the river, her uncle arrives to claim her body, only to find that she is very much alive. But when she returns to her family, unexplainable occurrences lead them to believe she is possessed.