搜索 艾伦·里德

  • The Flintstones is an animated, prime-time American television sitcom that was broadcast from September 30, 1960 to April 1, 1966 on ABC. The show was produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions. The Flintstones was about a working-class Stone Age man's life with his family and his next-door neighbor and best friend.  The sh…
  • 原始人的生存是怎么样的?弗瑞德一家和他的同伙们告知你,原始人的生存也一样出色和有趣。开着石头做的汽车、读报纸、打石头做的高尔夫和保龄球,拍照机、德律风,当代物品一样不少,只是以另一种形象出现。摩登如同当代人。上班族的弗瑞德和他的邻人巴尼总会不时时的惹出一些小麻烦,一出出挫折不竭、爆笑有趣的故事不竭在石器时代的原始小镇表…
  • 原始人的生存是怎么样的?弗瑞德一家和他的同伙们告知你,原始人的生存也一样出色和有趣。开着石头做的汽车、读报纸、打石头做的高尔夫和保龄球,拍照机、德律风,当代物品一样不少,只是以另一种形象出现。摩登如同当代人。上班族的弗瑞德和他的邻人巴尼总会不时时的惹出一些小麻烦,一出出挫折不竭、爆笑有趣的故事不竭在石器时代的原始小镇表…
  • 《摩登原始人》,又称伶俐笨伯(英文名称:the Flintstones,原意为“打火石家族”)是由卡通收集建造室所创作的美国动画电视剧。由1960年至1966年,它在美国广播公司是其中一个最成功的动画电视剧。它的故事在某水平上参照了电视剧《蜜月期》。它是60年代美国风靡一时的动画片,后于90年代被翻拍成真人影戏。故事以原始待遇布景,用很是当代的…
  • This popular animated television cartoon featured two Stone Age families, the Flintstones and their neighbors, the Rubbles. Much of the humor was based on its comic portrayals of modern conveniences, reinterpreted using Stone Age 'technology.' Most notably were their cars, complete with absence of floorboards to allow …
  • This popular animated television cartoon featured two Stone Age families, the Flintstones and their neighbors, the Rubbles. Much of the humor was based on its comic portrayals of modern conveniences, reinterpreted using Stone Age 'technology.' Most notably were their cars, complete with absence of floorboards to allow …
  • 早晨的纽约街头,收留貌清丽的女子霍莉(奥黛丽·赫本 Audrey Hepburn饰)在橱窗前倘佯,她就是纽约上流社会的酬酢花。对金钱和物质的崇拜,同时却不掉天真仁慈的霍莉,就像是纽约的“茶花女”,靠着每小时五10、一百的用度来获取酬酢收进。在她心里,还有一个紧张的方针,那就是嫁得金龟婿。  霍莉的新邻人是一个作家保罗(乔治·佩帕德 G…