搜索 Aditi

  • Powerful contemporary drama. A young woman falls in love with the wrong man, with tragic consequences for everyone.
  • A gentle girl born and brought up amidst the ever growing eco-social-consumeristic environment finds it difficult to fit in the society. She decides to take it hard on the people. What she does is the rest of the story.
  • CJ (Ella Jordan扮演)是一个高度紧张的女估客,在Versa公司从事她公司历史上最大的一笔买卖。凯西(吉米·库斯特斯饰)是一个懒惰的懒汉,总是向他的哥哥罗伊(炮手威利斯饰)蹭来蹭往。当凯西往Versa公司口试时,他只是为了有资历申请掉业拯救金,m.ysgou.cc成果他和她换了事情。如今他必需与她的死敌丽莎(Kayte Giralt),而她必需寻…
  • 印度女子阿苏从暗网下载APP,可骇的事随之产生,每实现三次任务即可实现一个愿看,初尝甜头的她堕进了深网的圈套不成自拔。
  • 一项暴光贩毒集团的卧底任务让一个胆冷的孟买差人发了然她本人潜伏的性魅力,从此走上一条自尊自强之路。
  • The coming of age drama portray the relentless pursuit of the layman, the oppressed section of society who is in a constant struggle and fight to reclaim their unique identity and rightful place in a world meant for all.
  • 艾利克斯在和伙伴偷渡时,伙伴不幸遭受不测事变沉水身亡,最终他只得一人到达巴黎。在履历了法国外籍兵团严格的练习和选拔今后,他毕竟被选中,成为了兵团的一位士兵,也是以获取了五年的居留许可,成为了姑且意义上的“法国公平易近”。  然而,在一次履行任务进程傍边,他亲眼目击军队的暴行若何对尼日利亚地区的残忍盘剥和对当地居平易近使…