搜索 Dinarte

  • 哈威·凯特尔、索尼娅·布拉加([水瓶座])将出演新片[法蒂玛]。该片按照真实事务改编,报告在葡萄牙法蒂玛,三个孩子传播宣传目击了圣母玛利亚显灵,并预言了多难害行将到临。其中两人在1917-1918年死于流感病毒,而他们在前一个星期才接收了教皇的洗礼。该片将由马克·彭特克沃([天气晴有时多云])执导,今朝正处建造阶段。
  • The family Paix?o runs a farm for wedding parties, but the business is not going well. While the love between the parents, Vanessa and Daniel appears to have ended, the grandparents, Luisa and Joaquim, seem inseparable; and the children, Rita and Marco, have completely distinct opinions about love.