搜索 Florent

  • 往日的重量级拳击冠军乔治(迈克尔?加?怀特 Michael Jai White 饰)在俄罗斯拍摄告白度日,某天他的家被人闯进后放置了大批毒品,因此乔治因贩毒进狱。这场谗谄的幕后主使是俄罗斯当地的黑拳界,他们行使犯人们的搏击角逐开设赌局,而乔治俊拔的死后令他成为了牢狱的方针,各方停整理乔治能与狱中拳王伯伊卡(斯科特?阿金斯 Scott Adk…
  • <p>When a young musician and his wife become witness of a bank robbery they get in the midst of a political conspiracy with the risk of losing their lives.@nk2/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.molikan.com&link2key=25f4e2a721 target="_blank">www.molikan.com</a></p>
  • 三个孩子的独身母亲雪(Neige),定期探看住在养老院的阿尔及利亚祖父埃米尔。雪很是喜爱扶养她长大的祖父,视祖父为反对她怙恃毒害的家庭支柱。家庭成员之间的关系扑朔迷离,彼此积怨已久。侥幸的是,雪的前夫弗朗索瓦用诙谐给了她撑持和依靠。祖父的弃世不单激起了一场家庭风波,也使得雪产生了深进的自我身份认同危急,雪开端对本人的DNA产生…
  • 两个年轻的学生sarah和philip,两小我在收集上结识并且倾吐本人并不满意的生存,因此两小我相约一起徒步比及山顶自杀,在这一起上他们彼此共享生存中的履历和疾苦,那末履历了这一起的陪同,两小我是否还有新的明天呢
  • 阿贝尔是个性情兢兢业业的独身男人,他妈妈则性情与之相反,热忱奔放又浪漫至极。阿贝尔的妈妈爱上了一个刚出狱的魅力老夫子米歇。米歇动用谜之关系帮阿贝尔妈妈开了胡想中的花店。阿贝尔感应这背后定有隐情。阿贝尔暗恋着本人的同事兼好同伙克莱门。喜好冒险的克莱门跟阿贝尔一起阴郁查询拜访西尔维,果真发明各类可疑线索……克莱门寻求刺激逐…
  • In a small village, Leo, 17 years-old, has a strong taste for make-up. His big brother, Jules, who fears to be laughed at, stands against this passion. On the night of the open stage, Leo shows up in full drag...
  • Alice is a young woman opposed to the construction of a power-plant, an idea of her own father who is a member of the parliament. But a weird Visitor from the Future takes her to 2555, a future destroyed by the explosion of that same power-plant. According to the Visiteur, the premature death of her father would preven…
  • 德州差人勇斗墨西哥毒贩。若干退役的前水兵陆战队队员闲着也是闲着,筹算给美国经济添点活力,他们搞起了物流业,要把毒品从墨西哥运到美国。德州差人jack粉碎了这帮毒贩的好梦。
  • Police commissioner Herville is found dead in a Chinese restaurant in the 13th arrondissement of Paris. Gilou must break the news to Laure, who is being treated in a Police rehabilitation center. Now in charge of the unit, Gilou begins investigating with Ali, a young cop, fresh out of training. They quickly find themse…