搜索 Zala

  • yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f> During the Vietnam War, a Viet Cong soldier stationed in the claustrophobic Cu Chi tunnels is haunted by the ghost of a fallen comrade.
  • The "Sixth Bus" is a film about a young woman trying to find out how her father disappeared never to be found, during a war in Croatia that stunned Europe and the world. It m.77mi.cc is about a search for identity; simmering beneath this need for resolution. The "Sixth Bus" is a search for truth in …
  • Every year, the elves come from his magical world to bring humans a new spring. Tim is a new one this year. Distracted by the attractive sound of the fair, he wanders away from the other elves, being captured by former trapeze artist Samuel, who brings him to Vladimir, owner of a circus who exploits him as a fairground…
  • The green Verdies are the tiny, but brave guardians of the lakeside. The young Verdies only become guardians when their hair turns brown. Until then, however, life is boring. The youngsters with green hair are not allowed to fly on warblers, not allowed to row alone, and they're not allowed to ride wild frogs at the ro…
  • 在一次毒品稽查任务中,阿伦掉了最好的同伴杰夫特;从此,阿伦不单肩负了清查内鬼,为杰夫特报仇的重任,还承当了四个孩子的义务;可是,孩子们并不喜好这个凶巴巴的阿伦叔叔,阿伦的生存变得一塌糊涂;整洁温馨的家,听话交情的孩子们,多姿多彩的生存,这一切的改变回功于艳丽神秘的吉特走进了这个杂乱的家庭,慢慢的阿伦爱上了对本人一往情…
  • A tough guy turned star. He did something others wouldn't dare. Always one step ahead of the cops and always downed a whiskey before robbing a bank. Growing up in a broken home Attila (Bence Szalay) was a troubled teenager, even spent time in a youth prison. Through a rather bizarre turn of events he escaped to Hungary…
  • 维嘉(沙鲁克·汗 Shah Rukh Khan 饰)是一位事业有成的青年企业家,一次有时中,他相逢了名为西瓦尼(玛杜丽·迪克西特 Madhuri Dixit 饰)艳丽空姐,西瓦尼的温柔驯良良深深的吸引着维嘉让他坠进了情网,可是,就在维嘉预备往向西瓦尼提亲之时,他发明西瓦尼已经和一个名为阿肖克(迪帕克·提卓瑞 Deepak Tijori 饰)的飞翔员携手步…
  • A listless young man, upon learning he is ill, leaves his job, girlfriend and city behind, and ventures alone into the British Columbia interior, bringing his fears and anxieties with him.
  • 在洛杉矶内城一个破旧的社区里,四名伶俐、滑稽、工致的青少年发明他们的毕生友情因进读高中而面临考验。
  • 在20世纪90年代以“威士忌悍贼”绰号而名声大噪的阿提拉·艾姆布拉斯,在1993至1999年间曾前后抢劫28家银行、邮局和参观社,抢劫金额累计到达1.96亿福林(约4000元钱)。艾姆布拉斯被冠以“威士忌悍贼”的绰号,是因为他在抢劫动作前,有在犯案地址附近的酒吧里喝威士忌的习惯。他告知大众自由报,他将不再喝威士忌,不冒不必要的险,他停整理过…